Soon we will have a competition for best Training Course time. Training Course is found upstairs inside of our dojo.
There will be rare/uncommon mod prizes (possibly plat too!) for 1st 2nd and 3rd place members. (Official prizes to be announced as soon as attendance sign ups are confirmed.)
I myself will be working as the official judge and I will have to witness and opting out of the competition. I will allow each participant to have 3 tries each (practice the day before or earlier that morning) the best time of the 3 attempts will be your best score.
Before I finalize a date or decide to make this competition official….I want to see how many members might actually be interested in this type of competition.
Please post below or let me know in game if you are interested in participating. If we get enough people interested I will green light this event. If it is well received expect other future events of various types soon too.
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